TechnoHacks Solutions

C & C++ Programming Tasks – TechnoHacks Internship Program

This internship will help you develop core skills in C and C++ programming through practical tasks. Each task aims to improve your understanding of algorithms, data structures, and real-world problem-solving.

Notice : Complete a minimum of 2 tasks from the tasks listed below.

Task 1: Create a Simple Calculator

Problem Statement: Develop a basic calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Write a program that allows users to input two numbers and select an operation.
  2. Perform the selected operation and display the result.


  • IDE: Code::Blocks, DevC++, or any other IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record a 10-15 second video showing the output of at least two operations.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 2: Find the Factorial of a Number Using Recursion

Problem Statement: Write a program that calculates the factorial of a number using recursion.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Implement a recursive function to compute the factorial.
  2. Prompt the user to enter a number and display the result.


  • IDE: Visual Studio Code, Turbo C++.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

Task 3: Implement a Simple Linked List

Problem Statement: Create a simple singly linked list with operations to insert, delete, and display elements.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Define the structure for the linked list node.
  2. Implement functions to insert a new node, delete an existing node, and display the list.
  3. Test the functions with various input.


  • IDE: Eclipse, CLion, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record a short video showing linked list operations.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 4: Matrix Multiplication

Problem Statement: Write a program to multiply two matrices.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Implement a function to multiply two matrices.
  2. Ensure the matrices are compatible for multiplication and display the result.


  • IDE: OnlineGDB,, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record the output of multiplying two matrices.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 5: Stack Implementation Using Arrays

Problem Statement: Implement a stack data structure using arrays, including push, pop, and display functions.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Define a stack structure with a fixed size.
  2. Implement functions to push elements, pop elements, and display the stack.
  3. Test your program with different inputs.


  • IDE: DevC++, Sublime Text.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record a video demonstrating stack operations.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 6: Binary Search Algorithm

Problem Statement: Write a program that performs binary search on a sorted array to find the position of a target value.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Prompt the user to input a sorted array and a target value.
  2. Implement the binary search algorithm and display the index of the target value.


  • IDE: NetBeans, Atom, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record the execution of binary search with at least two test cases.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 7: Reverse a String

Problem Statement: Write a program that reverses a string input by the user.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Prompt the user to input a string.
  2. Reverse the string and display the result.


  • IDE: Geany, Code::Blocks.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record the input and reversed string in a video.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 8: Bubble Sort

Problem Statement:
Write a program that sorts an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Input an array of integers.
  2. Implement bubble sort to arrange the elements in ascending order.
  3. Display the sorted array.


  • IDE: Visual Studio, GCC, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

Task 9: Check if a Number is Prime

Problem Statement: Write a program that checks whether a given number is prime.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Prompt the user to enter a number.
  2. Check if the number is prime and display the result.


  • IDE: DevC++, CLion, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

Task 10: Convert Decimal to Binary

Problem Statement: Write a program that converts a decimal number to its binary equivalent.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Prompt the user to input a decimal number.
  2. Convert the decimal number to binary and display the result.


  • IDE:, Turbo C++, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record the output of converting two decimal numbers to binary.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 11: Fibonacci Series Using Recursion

Problem Statement: Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series using recursion.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Create a recursive function that generates the Fibonacci sequence.
  2. Input the number of terms from the user and display the series.


  • IDE: Visual Studio Code, CLion.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:

  • Record the Fibonacci series output for a chosen number of terms.
  • Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
  • Tag the following in your post:
  • Submit the video link in the submission form.

Task 12: Count Vowels in a String

Problem Statement: Write a program that counts the number of vowels in a user-inputted string.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Prompt the user for a string.
  2. Count and display the number of vowels in the string.


  • IDE: Code::Blocks, Geany, or any IDE.

You can use any tool/platform or dataset.

How to Submit:


These tasks are designed to give you real-world experience in digital marketing while allowing you to explore various platforms and tools. Remember to tag the company and mentor in your submissions. Good luck, and enjoy your internship journey!


Thank you!


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