Welcome to the Java Programming Internship! This program is designed to enhance your skills in Java programming through practical tasks that encourage hands-on learning. You’ll work on a variety of projects that will help you understand core concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios. By engaging with these tasks, you’ll gain valuable insights into software development and improve your coding abilities. Remember to complete at least two tasks and share your work on social media!
Notice: Complete a minimum of 2 tasks from the tasks listed below.
Task 1: Simple Calculator
Problem Statement:
Develop a simple calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Steps to Complete:
- Create a new Java class for the calculator.
- Implement methods for each arithmetic operation.
- Use the Scanner class to take user input.
- Display the results for each operation.
- Java IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, or any other).
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video demonstrating your calculator in action.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 2: Fibonacci Sequence
Problem Statement:
Write a Java program to generate the Fibonacci sequence up to a specified number.
Steps to Complete:
- Define a method to calculate the Fibonacci sequence.
- Prompt the user for the upper limit.
- Print the Fibonacci numbers up to that limit.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video of your Fibonacci sequence program.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 3: Factorial Calculation
Problem Statement:
Create a Java program that calculates the factorial of a number provided by the user.
Steps to Complete:
- Write a method to calculate factorial using recursion.
- Take user input for the number.
- Display the calculated factorial.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video of your factorial program execution.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 4: Palindrome Checker
Problem Statement:
Write a Java program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
Steps to Complete:
- Implement a method to reverse the string.
- Compare the original string with the reversed string.
- Print whether the string is a palindrome.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video demonstrating your palindrome checker.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 5: Basic File Handling
Problem Statement:
Create a program to read from a text file and display its contents.
Steps to Complete:
- Create a text file with sample content.
- Write a Java program that reads the file.
- Print the contents to the console.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video showing your file handling program.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 6: Create a Simple GUI Application
Problem Statement:
Develop a simple Java GUI application that displays a welcome message.
Steps to Complete:
- Use Swing or JavaFX to create a GUI.
- Add a button that, when clicked, shows a welcome message.
- Run the application to verify functionality.
- Java IDE with GUI support.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video of your GUI application in action.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 7: Array Manipulation
Problem Statement:
Write a program that performs various operations on an array (e.g., sorting, searching).
Steps to Complete:
- Create an array of integers.
- Implement sorting and searching algorithms (e.g., Bubble Sort, Linear Search).
- Display the sorted array and search results.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video demonstrating array manipulation.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 8: Implementing Interfaces
Problem Statement:
Create a Java program demonstrating the use of interfaces.
Steps to Complete:
- Define an interface with a method signature.
- Implement the interface in a class.
- Instantiate the class and call the implemented method.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video showcasing your interface implementation.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 9: Exception Handling
Problem Statement:
Develop a Java program that demonstrates exception handling.
Steps to Complete:
- Write a method that could throw an exception.
- Implement try-catch blocks to handle the exception gracefully.
- Display appropriate messages to the user.
- Java IDE.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video demonstrating your exception handling program.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 10: Creating a Simple Web Application with Java
Problem Statement:
Develop a basic web application using Java Servlets.
Steps to Complete:
- Set up a simple web server (e.g., Apache Tomcat).
- Create a Java Servlet that responds with “Welcome to TechnoHacks!”.
- Deploy and test the web application.
- Java Servlet API, Apache Tomcat.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video of your web application running.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 11: Build a Mini Project
Problem Statement:
Create a mini project using Java that incorporates multiple concepts learned during the internship.
Steps to Complete:
- Choose a project idea (e.g., a simple game, a task manager).
- Plan your project structure and functionalities.
- Implement the project and document the process.
- Java IDE, Git for version control.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video walkthrough of your mini project.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
Task 12: Create a Java API
Problem Statement:
Develop a simple RESTful API using Java and a framework like Spring Boot.
Steps to Complete:
- Set up a Spring Boot project.
- Create a REST controller that responds to GET requests.
- Test your API using Postman.
- Spring Boot, Postman.
You can use any tool/platform or dataset.
How to Submit:
- Record a video demonstrating your RESTful API.
- Upload the video to LinkedIn or YouTube.
- Tag the following in your post:
- Submit the video link in the submission form.
This internship will provide you with valuable experience in Java programming. Make sure to keep track of your tasks and have fun while learning! Remember to engage with your peers and ask questions when needed.
Thank you!